
Revenue: Private Sources
Foundations/Corporations $2,853,181
Earned Income/Fee for Service $1,135,383
Individuals/Bequests $806,169
Other Revenue $220,568
Investment Income $81,081
Special Events (Net) $804,114
Total Private Sources $5,900,496
Revenue: Public Sources
Chicago Department of Public Health (Federal $) $10,191,978
IL Dept of Public Health (Federal $) $8,874,682
IL Dept of Human Services $719,224
U.S. Dept of Housing and Urban Development $6,174,693
HRSA $292,920
CDC $18,000
Health and Human Service National Prev. Partnerships $72,369
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Administration $462,038
Total Public Sources $26,805,904
Total Revenue $32,706,400
Program and Policy $7,732,301
General and Administrative $2,032,925
Direct Client Support $4,949,624
Development $1,322,097
Grant and Awards: Private $732,507
Grants and Awards: Public $15,168,094
Total Expenses $31,937,548
Change in Net Assets
Cash Flow for Subcontractors $394,693
Temporarily Restricted Assets - Increase $374,159
Total Change in Net Assets $768,852